quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2014

Stick your neck out - o que siginifica essa expressão?

Hey, everyone. What's up?

Quem gosta daqueles programas de imitação? Imitação de cantores, bandas, atores, gente famosa, etc, etc? Eu gosto!

Em inglês:
impersonator: imitador - pessoa que imita uma celebridade na voz, aparência, gestos, etc.
impersonation: imitação
to impersonate: imitar

"I could try to impersonate a giraffe, but it would be sticking my neck out." [Eu poderia tentar imitar uma girafa, mas eu estaria botando meu pescoço pra fora.]

Vocês já tentaram imitar alguém? Talvez vocês até sejam imitadores. Agora imitar uma girafa? Como faríamos isso? Tentar esticar o nosso pescoço ao máximo? É o que o cara do trocadilho está tentando. Mas será que foi isso mesmo que ele quis dizer?

To stick one's neck out  é uma expressão idiomática que significa arriscar-se, arriscar o pescoço (por alguém ou algo)

I'm not going to stick my neck out for Daniel. After all, he's never helped me. [Eu não vou me arriscar meu pescoço pelo Daniel. Afinal, ele nunca me ajudou.]
I'll stick my neck out and say we'll have it done by Friday. [Eu vou me arriscar e dizer que estarei com isso pronto até sexta.]
I decided I'd stick my neck out and try to answer the question even though I knew little about it. [Eu decidi que iria me arriscar e tentar responder a pergunta embora soubesse muito pouco sobre o assunto.]

Então, tentar imitar uma girafa seria um risco pra carreira dele? Muito provavelmente! rsrs

A dica é assim curtinha hoje.

See you next time!

terça-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2014

What does 'put two and two together' mean?

Hey, everyone

Long time no see! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends.

For all of those who are here for the first time let me tell you something before I start writing this post. I always choose a pun (trocadilho) to write about and explain the expression through the pun. I have an awful lot of them here. You can search for some expressions you would like to know about and see if I have them. And if I don't just let me know. Maybe I can come up with something.

Let's get down to work!

"The inventor of the ballet skirt was struggling for a name. Until he finally put tu and tu together."

What does 'put tu and tu together' mean? Well, to be honest I just knew put two and two together. So let me explain.

According to Macmillan dictionary put two and two together means: to guess what is happening or what something means as a result of what you have seen or heard. [juntar/ligar os fatos, chegar a uma conclusão, tirar suas próprias conclusões]

Ok, but what about that tu and tu? That's where the pun is. Tutu is that kind of skirt ballerinas wear. (see the picture above)
When the inventor connected tu and tu he formed the word tutu and named the skirt or he came to a conclusion (put two and two together) about the name after thinking long and hard.

Some examples:

How did you know they were having an affair? I'd seen them out together a couple of times so I put two and two together.
She heard that there had been an accident and she put two and two together.
It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together.

And now a funny quote

"The problem with putting two and two together is that sometimes you get four, and sometimes you get twenty-two." Dashiell Hammett

What do you think he meant by that phrase?

That's all for today. Hope you like it.


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