quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2015

Como digo "tomar sol" em inglês?

Hi, everyone

Como estão de friozinho? Por aqui, São Paulo e região as noites estão ficando frias. Porém os dias ainda estão bastante ensolarados. Adoro tempo assim. Dá pra sair e pegar um solzinho pra esquentar. Só não dá pra ficar de biquíni na laje...rsrs Como digo "pegar sol" em inglês? Vamos aprender hoje.

"Spent this morning catching some rays. And now I have a lifetime ban from the National Aquarium." @pundamentalism [Passei esta manhã pegando sol. E agora foi banido pra sempre do Aquário Nacional.]

O que será que ele aprontou para ser banido? Somente tomar sol não é tão grave assim.

catch a few rays (also catch some rays):

1. to get some sunshine; to tan in the sun [tomar sol; pegar uma cor]
2. sunbathe [tomar banho de sol]
3. to lie or sit outside in the sun [deitar-se ou sentar-se ao sol]

I'm going out to catch a few rays before lunch. [Eu vou tomar um pouco de sol antes do almoço.]
Since the weather got warmer, we all decided to go to the beach and catch some rays. [Já que o tempo esquentou, todos nós decidimos ir à praia e pegar um sol.]
If you want to catch some rays safely, be sure to apply plenty of sunscreen.[ Se você quiser tomar um banho de sol com segurança, certifique-se de aplicar bastante filtro solar.]
I thought I'd take my lunch outside and catch a few rays. [Eu pensei em almoçar do lado de fora e pegar um solzinho.]

Onde está a pegadinha então? Na palavra "ray" que também significa arraia, o peixe. Bom, pescar arraias do aquário (catch some rays) não foi mesmo uma boa ideia. :D

Acabei de saber (pela imagem acima) que skate é um peixe meio que parente da arraia..rsrs. Se quiser saber mais, já sabem é só googlar. Mas nosso objetivo aqui hoje, acho que foi cumprido, né?

Now if you'll excuse me I'll catch some rays...See you later!

6 comentários:

  1. What about the expression "bask in the sun"? Is that the same thing?

    1. Hi...when you asked I wasn't sure so I went to this friend of mine to ask him and he said "bask in the sun" it's something an animal does.. like a lion. So I checked three dictionaries Cambridge, Macmillan and Longman. Take a look at their examples:

      BASK: to lie or sit enjoying the warmth especially of the sun
      Ex.: We could see seals on the rocks, basking in the sun.

      BASK: to relax and enjoy yourself by lying in the sun
      Ex.: A group of gray seals were basking on a rock

      BASK:to enjoy sitting or lying in the heat of the sun or a fire
      Ex.: Lizards were basking in the morning sun.

  2. Good to know. I have to say, however, that I've heard American people using this expression. When they use it they don't refer to animals or something. Rather, they refer to actual people. In addition, if you google it (google image), you'll see images of people "baskink in the sun'' with the same meaning as "catch some rays".

    1. Yeah...He didn't say it was only used for animals. Instead, he said that it was more common. And he's British. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't only responding yes to your question even though I checked images as well. But I see that you already know. Good for you! Thanks for your comment.

    2. I got the feeling you got mad (at me) by the way you wrote. So, I'm really sorry if I caused this. Bear in mind that I appreciate your job and I've learned a lot with your useful tips. I just wanted to share something but I didn't know how (I'm so clumsy :)

      I won't bother you again.

      I hope you accept my apologies.

    3. I might came off as mad, but I was not. Don't sweat it and please keep contributing. It's good for everybody. Thanks! :)



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